Proclaim the Gospel of Creation: Assisi’s Missionary Send-off of Laudato Si’ Animators

Online , Italy

Pentecost celebration in Assisi & missionary sending for LS Animators and other pastoral agents committed to creation care. Hybrid event, in English and Italian, with live participation from New York, and the celebration presided over in the Canticle Garden in Assisi. Attending the event will be: Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting […]

Responding to The Letter

Online , Italy

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 will be celebrated with the film “The Letter” to mark the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation. This global celebration will unite Catholics to rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and show how the protagonists of “The Letter” are […]

Business and the Earth: A dialogue on the private sector’s role in the green transition through the prism of Laudato Si’

Online , Italy

Businesses produce almost everything we buy, use, eat and throw away, thus playing a critical role in driving resource depletion and climate change and, conversely, in determining whether and how societies can halt these problems. In his book 'Business and the Earth: A Reflection on Laudato Si’', JESC Secretary for Ecology Edmond Grace SJ argues […]


Owning our Christian History ~ With a particular focus on the Doctrine of Discovery

Online , Italy

This event is part of our Towards Pentecost 2022: Listening to the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth series. Our companion for the evening is Sarah Augustine who is a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, is founder and cochair of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition and Executive Director of a dispute […]


Believe in the impossible

Online , Italy

Believe in the Impossible --- how to come together for the planet and its people UPDATED DETAILS contact for zoom link Biography: Dr David Ko and Richard Busellato are authors of The Unsustainable Truth and originators of the Transformational Ownership proposal to fix climate change. This is a radical and rapidly implementable proposal to […]


Meditace v době ekologické krize (CZE)

Online , Italy

Setkáme se při křesťanské meditaci, abychom se pokusili nalézt pokoj, přednesli Stvořiteli modlitby za klima a stav ekologické nouze a vzájemně se sdíleli. Připojte se online na platformě Jitsi: Není nutná žádná registrace. Všichni jsou zváni! --------------------------------- Rev'd Jon Swales je britský pastor a člen Christian climate action, který ve spolupráci s A Rocha […]


Breathing in, Breathing Out – What is Happening to Earth, Our Mother

Online , Italy

An online workshop for one hour and 10 minutes to enter musically, poetically and contemplativelyinto an experience together, interweaving brief texts from LS. The inspiration for this workshop comes from Chapter One of LS: 'Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn […]


LSAP-Asia Webinar #2: Understanding Creation Spirituality

Online , Italy

This is the second of seven webinars of the series "Starting Our Ecological Journey" by the Laudato Si' Action Platform - Asia. Through this webinar, we open ourselves to discover and embrace our responses to fundamental creation spirituality questions: Who Am I? Who is God? Who is my Neighbour in Creation?

Hauropi Mariana – Marian Integral Ecology online seminar

Online , Italy

Fr Peter Healy sm will introduce a developing Marist ecological spirituality linking Mariology, sustainable gardening practices and care of our common home. This seminar is hosted by the Integral Ecology Committee of the Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission, Archdiocese of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Please register to attend by emailing and you will be […]


Caritas Oceania Laudato Si’ Youth Forum

Online , Italy

Caritas Oceania Youth will be hosting a series of three webinars over the course of Laudato Si’ Week! The purpose of these webinars is for young people from Oceania to come together online and share ideas on how to care for our common home and to better understand our call to ecological justice for all […]

#TreesNotBombs #EndTheWar Campaign

Online , Italy

After engaging in many consultations to create peace throughout the last 7 months in relation to the Ukraine Russian Crisis, Now the Ukraine Russian War, which has now creating a major Global Crisis in the middle of a Pandemic, including threatening to increase starvation globally, threatening nuclear war etc., we - had decided to create […]
