Laudato Si’ Week News

Laudato Si’ Week News

Don’t miss the latest news about Laudato Si’ Week, and be sure to send us your story as an event organizer by emailing

Divestment: Catholics’ moral imperative

Divestment: Catholics’ moral imperative

Laudato Si’ Week 2021 continued on Wednesday with an inspiring dialogue on divestment, energy, and fossil fuels, and how Catholics around the world can lead the divestment movement.

Changing education through Laudato Si’

Changing education through Laudato Si’

On the third day of Laudato Si’ Week 2021, leaders and educators from around the world shared how they’re using Laudato Si’ in education to inspire the next generation.

‘The Lord’s creation is not for sale’

‘The Lord’s creation is not for sale’

Ditebogo Lebea has experienced the climate crisis devastating creation. Her family in South Africa has endured flash flooding and droughts – the types of extreme weather that scientists say is much more likely with a warming planet. But she knows we can do better, and...

During Papal Angelus, Pope Francis launches Laudato Si’ Week

During Papal Angelus, Pope Francis launches Laudato Si’ Week

Pope Francis graciously started Laudato Si’ Week 2021 during his Papal Angelus (Regina Caeli) on Sunday 16 May. His Holiness warmly invited everyone to participate in the 10-day event and to learn more about how to “listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor” during the global celebration.