Laudato Si’ Week News

Laudato Si’ Week News

Don’t miss the latest news about Laudato Si’ Week, and be sure to send us your story as an event organizer by emailing

Laudato Si’ Week Update

Laudato Si’ Week Update

Pope Francis has invited Catholics everywhere to participate in Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May. We’re coming together as a Catholic family to reflect, pray, and prepare for a more just and sustainable tomorrow.

Laudato Si’ meetings in the pandemic

Laudato Si’ meetings in the pandemic

Agustina Rodríguez Ortiz de Rozas and Verónica Galindez planned on hosting an in-person meeting with Argentine Laudato Si’ Animators this month. But, like most well-organized intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic, their plans were derailed.

Ride 4 Creation pedals online

Ride 4 Creation pedals online

Italians Francesco Maria Di Pietro and Massimiliano Muzio can’t recreate their first Ride 4 Creation across Italy. But they’re still finding ways to celebrate Laudato Si’ and its message of ecological conversion ahead of Laudato Si’ Week.

Catholic concerts build community

Catholic concerts build community

We Catholic musicians want to share two important messages: Firstly, that we are in God’s hands, that we must not lose hope. Secondly, to constantly remember what the authorities tell us: “Stay at home.” It’s one of the main ways to fight the virus.

St. Kateri Center celebrates Laudato Si’

St. Kateri Center celebrates Laudato Si’

In May, Lilley will rip up the ryegrass on the 600-square-foot strip of land to plant a garden that will help the farm fight climate change and bring back vital pollinators.

Start der Laudato Si’-Woche

Start der Laudato Si’-Woche

Katholische Gemeinden überall auf der Welt konkrete Schritte unternommen, um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu verringern, sich im Gebet mit dem Schöpfer verbunden und die Entwicklung einer moralischen Umweltpolitik gefördert.

Laudato Si’ Week Launch

Laudato Si’ Week Launch

Since Pope Francis published Laudato Si’, Catholic communities everywhere have taken concrete steps to reduce their environmental impact, connected to the Creator in prayer, and encouraged the development of moral environmental policies.