Ringing bells for Laudato Si’ Week

Ringing bells for Laudato Si’ Week

French Catholics united for Laudato Si’ Week Catholics around the world came together at noon local time on Sunday 24 May for a global day of prayer. Eglise Verte (Green Church) and Chrétiens Unis Pour La Terre (Christians United For The Earth) encouraged Catholics in...
Top 5-Highlights der Laudato Si’-Woche

Top 5-Highlights der Laudato Si’-Woche

Während der Laudato Si’-Woche kamen Hunderttausende Katholiken auf der ganzen Welt im Namen des Heiligen Geistes zusammen, um den fünften Jahrestag der Enzyklika von Papst Franziskus über die Pflege unseres gemeinsamen Hauses zu ehren. Inmitten einer globalen...
Top 5-Highlights der Laudato Si’-Woche

Top 5 Laudato Si’ Week Highlights

During Laudato Si’ Week, hundreds of thousands of Catholics from around the world came together in the Holy Spirit, honoring the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. In the midst of a global pandemic that has exposed the...
After coronavirus, Bergamo unites for Laudato Si’

After coronavirus, Bergamo unites for Laudato Si’

Father Cristiano Re, director of the Diocese of Bergamo’s Office for Social and Labor Pastoral Care Only weeks ago, Bergamo, Italy, was battling one of the most deadly coronavirus outbreaks in the world. More than 15,600 people have died in Northern Italy’s Lombardy...
LATAM honors Laudato Si’

LATAM honors Laudato Si’

Silvia Alonso More than 1,600 people from 23 countries recently participated in a Latin American Center for Social Evangelization webinar that honored the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’. “Care For Our Common Home” was the title of the workshop that...