

Novena on the Care of Creation

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

27.May-05.June.2022: Novena on the Care of Creation (by Catholic Bishops Conference of England & Wales) Pray with Leicester Laudato Si’ Circle by (your choice): • together by 7PM zoom meeting prayers. Just email us (leicslscircle@gmail.com) to participate • by following our daily schedule-posted prayers at our Facebook page (just search our name) • on your […]


Webinar on Food Security & Environmental Impacts

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

You are invited to Register for a Webinar on Food Security & Environmental Impacts (26 May from 1pm to 3pm) - jointly organised by the Faculty of Food & Agriculture, UWI STA, and the Catholic Commission for Social Justice/ the Archdiocese's Ministry for Migrants and Refugees. Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvf-iuqzMvGdSkzsFGPlbRNIq17Esxy6nu After registering, you will receive a […]


Rosario por la Casa Común

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

¡¡¡Esta invitación especial es para ti!!! Espero puedas unirte y juntos podamos rezar el Rosario por nuestra Casa Común, y de esta manera participar de la Semana Laudato Si´ la cual esta llena de alegría y oración. La cita es este lunes 23 de mayo a las 7:30 p.m., te comparto el link con el […]


“The future of Europe, multilateralism and peace. War in Ukraine, international crisis and prospects for sustainable development”

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

The event organized by the Italian Alliance of the Sustainable Develpment will explore the future of multilateralism and the global creation of peace dialogue in light of the current European context. The event will aim to explore the issue of peaceful and effective conflict resolution, starting from a reflection on the Russian aggression against Ukraine […]


No Disposable Challenge – A Social Action Challenge for Laudato Si Week 2022

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

During Laudato Si' Week, May 22nd to May 29th, the Office of Youth Ministry challenges you to use no single-use plastic items. For every substitution, you make share your progress by posting and tagging us on social media @RCYCTT! Use the hashtags #nodisposables, #catholictt and #laudatosiweek2022 so we can see!


Mary Ward Family Listening and Journeying Together

virtual , Trinidad and Tobago

For the Laudato Si’ Week 2022 we asked members from The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Congregatio Jesu along with friends from different countries to reflect with us on how contemplation can lead us to heal our planet. The result is an invitation to listen again to God’s voice, contemplate creation, let ourselves […]
