Logotipos e modelos para as redes sociais
Junte-se aos católicos de todo o mundo em oração para celebrar a Semana Laudato Si’ 2022.

Baixe a oração aqui.
Pulpit announcement
This year, we will join Catholic communities around the world in celebrating Laudato Si’ Week. Our community will celebrate on ______(date) at _______ (time).
We will gather at _______ (place like “in the atrium” or “by the garden”) to discuss the exciting steps our community is taking on our journey towards integral ecology and how you can join us. This celebration will be full of joy and prayer and all are invited. We look forward to seeing you.
If you have any questions, please reach out to ______(name) or speak to a member of ____________(name of committee).
Comunicado à imprensa
Baixe e use o modelo de comunicado à imprensa para ajudar a divulgar a boa nova sobre a Semana Laudato Si’.