Latest Past Events

Mary Ward Family Listening and Journeying Together


For the Laudato Si’ Week 2022 we asked members from The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Congregatio Jesu along with friends from different countries to reflect with us on how contemplation can lead us to heal our planet. The result is an invitation to listen again to God’s voice, contemplate creation, let ourselves […]


Bring and Barter

🇹🇹 #1 Rene Street, Chaguanas

Families are invited to bring and exchange/ share their seeds, plants, vines, etc with other families. This can done in neighbourhoods, churches, communities, offices, gathered spaces. This creates a spaces for listening and sharing stories together as we continue the journey.


No Disposable Challenge – A Social Action Challenge for Laudato Si Week 2022


During Laudato Si' Week, May 22nd to May 29th, the Office of Youth Ministry challenges you to use no single-use plastic items. For every substitution, you make share your progress by posting and tagging us on social media @RCYCTT! Use the hashtags #nodisposables, #catholictt and #laudatosiweek2022 so we can see!
