Latest Past Events

ELSiA’s Survey Launch Press Conference: Do Catholics care about ecology?

ELSiA’s Survey Launch Press Conference: Do Catholics care about ecology? “Do Catholics care about ecology?". From the beautiful Franciscan roof (on Saint Peter) this is the first comprehensive survey ever conducted in Europe, including 20 episcopal conferences and more than 280 projects. It will unveil the conclusions and key findings from the voice of several […]

Laudato Si’ Week Opening Prayer

From Chile, members of the Laudato Si' Movement will lead the opening event of Laudato Si' Week on Pentecost Sunday.

Proclaim the Gospel of Creation: Assisi’s Missionary Send-off of Laudato Si’ Animators


Pentecost celebration in Assisi & missionary sending for LS Animators and other pastoral agents committed to creation care. Hybrid event, in English and Italian, with live participation from New York, and the celebration presided over in the Canticle Garden in Assisi. Attending the event will be: Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting […]