Laudato Si’ Week Activities

Laudato Si’ Week Activities

Official Events

All of the events will be broadcast on social media and other channels.

In addition, every day we will broadcast a live show at 1 p.m. CET to highlight how Laudato Si’ has inspired Catholics around the world. Follow us on social media!

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Side Events

Community Events

Register an event or an action

Be part of Laudato Si’ Week by organizing an event in your diocese, parish, or community.

Your event should appear on the website within one business day.

Laudato Si’ Week Event Ideas

Not sure what kind of event to organize? Here are some easy ideas for both online and in-person events. 

For in-person events, always make sure that your event complies with the COVID-19 regulations in your area.

If your event is in-person, please be sure to record a short video and send it by WhatsApp to Laudato Si’ Movement at +1 2022777217.

If your event is online, take a screenshot where you can see as many participants as possible and send it to the same number by email, 

Bell Ringing for Climate Justice

Ask your pastor to ring the church bells for three minutes for the victims of the climate crisis and as a wake-up call. 


Blackout for creation

On a certain day and time in the evening, have everyone turn off the lights in their homes to work together to help save God’s creation.


Prayer gathering

Organize a Rosary for Creation or a prayer gathering. You can also simply get together and sing some songs. 

Public meditation

Unite with three or more people in a public place in your city. Carry a sign that says “Live Laudato Si”, “Laudato Si’ Week”, or other creation care messages you think your community should see.


Procession or walk

Invite the parish community to a procession or walk through the center of your town. You can walk praying, singing, making noise, and/or carrying signs with slogans about bringing Laudato Si’ to life and the need to care for our common home.


Mass for Creation

Talk to your Pastor about having one of the week’s Masses dedicated to praying for the victims of the climate crisis, the loss of biodiversity, giving thanks to the Creator for his gifts, or for all of these.

Community or urban garden festival

Connect online to showcase community and personal gardens, share tips and techniques, encourage teamwork and inspire others to grow their own food. 


Recycling webinar

How to recycle the waste we produce? If there is someone in your community with experience in waste recycling, invite him or her to give a talk or workshop and invite your community to participate.


Laudato Si’ Reading

Have you read the encyclical and has it been read in your community? Organize an online event to read, meditate and act on some passages of Laudato Si’.

Share: Remember, whatever you do, be sure to share it on social media and with Laudato Si’ Movement! Tag us on social or email us at

“The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change” (LS 13)