The following story was written by Laudato SI’ Animator Brian Austin of the UK as a testimony to his involvement with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. The submission has been edited for brevity and clarity. Learn more about the Laudato Si’ Action Platform by joining Laudato Si’ Week, to take place from May 22-29.
I was re-reading Anthony DeMello’s book “Awareness” recently when I read: “Do you want to change the world? How about beginning with yourself?”! What a wonderful quote.
Well, do I want to change the world? Yes. Have I begun with myself? Yes and no! I am hopeful that the Laudato Si’ Action Platform will help me to do this.

Brian Austin
First of all, what have I done? As a member of the Christian Life Community, I have reflected much on my life and my Faith and what I was being called to do. It was because of this that I gave up my career in industry and became a secondary teacher.
Since I retired in 2000, I turned to mainly parish work in Justice and Peace, the Livesimply Parish and as a Campaigns Volunteer for the Catholic Agency for International Development (CAFOD).
I was also involved with a local link with Bo Town in Sierra Leone, although this has since waned. But I continue with contacts I have made.
For 10 years I volunteered at a project for the homeless and marginalized and now continue as their data inputter, keeping a record of their visitors.
This year I have joined a Laudato Si’ Animators writing group, whose members persuaded me to take the Laudato Si’ Movement’s course and become a Laudato Si’ Animator. And now I am embarking on this journey with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.
Learn more about the Laudato Si’ Action Platform by joining Laudato Si’ Week from May 22-29
At home, my wife and I have been environmentally aware and energy conscious. So, now one third of our larger-than-average garden is a wild area. We collect our rain water, compost all our fresh food waste, and this year, have constructed a small pool. We take an active interest in nurturing as much wildlife as possible, including ants, fruit flies, bees, frogs, birds, squirrels, field mice, and the occasional fox.
In the home, as far as energy is concerned, we have reduced our carbon footprint by draught-proofing, improving the insulation in the loft, having cavity wall insulation and double glazing, and having thermostats on every radiator.
Now we are about to have solar panels fitted! Five years ago we downsized our car to one with low emissions. As far as recycling is concerned, we repair, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. We try as far as we can to only buy what we think we need, rather than what we want.
I hope that the Laudato Si’ Action Platform will enable me to take the next step.
Learn more about the Laudato Si’ Action Platform by joining Laudato Si’ Week from May 22-29