Mexico is blessed with an immensity of natural resources that are invaluable to all humanity.

However, the current global situation has severely affected many people who live directly or indirectly from these resources.

Caring for creation in this time of uncertainty and fear is a way to create hope. 

The Mexico Chapter of the Global Catholic Climate Movement held a retreat to help the country kick off Laudato Si’ Week in a spiritual way to create hope and help people undergo an ecological conversion.

Historically, the protection of species and natural areas has been encouraged. But today, it is more necessary than ever to promote actions for the care of creation as part of the celebration of Laudato Si’ Week.

With the retreat, the GCCM Mexico Chapter hopes to generate a space for personal introspection, spiritual bonding and collective reflection.

The 10-day celebration consisted of global events with Cardinals and many Catholic leaders from around the world, including inspirational speakers from Asia, the Amazon, Latin America, and the United States.

Composed of three major moments, this retreat space offered participants the possibility to be ready and prepared to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Laudato Si’.

During Laudato Si’ Week, it was very important to be prepared to listen attentively to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor in order to take action and care for creation.