To celebrate the six years of Laudato Si’ in Brazil, events were held throughout the country to create a space for sharing and celebrating creation with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

The first of the meetings, entitled “Water: Source of Life”, was held with the intention of reflecting, in a profound way, especially on the conditions of rivers and springs in the region. Above all, the event emphasized the analysis of the ways in which it is possible to commit oneself to the care of these water sources. 

Another event, was the Webinar “Laudato Si’ in Action: Practices that make a difference”, which was organized by the Care for the Common Home Network (Portugal), the Global Catholic Climate Movement and JPIC OFM, 

During the event, speakers shared experiences at the international level but also at the national and local level from Portugal, Angola, Brazil, including Bishop Dom Vicente Ferreira, from the Special Commission on Integral Ecology and Mining.

The Laudato Si’ Animators of Northeast Brazil organized two events of great relevance. The first one was a launching ceremony of Rio Grande do Norte State GCCM Chapter. You can watch the event in Portuguese here

There was also a prayer service with Animators from many states, as an opportunity to unite and act in order to begin this new stage where we hope to bring about an ecological conversion in the inhabitants of this beautiful region.

The event called Experiences of integral ecology of Franciscan friends, featured as a final event to live the experience of life and reflection of the encyclical with the inspiration of St. Francis of Assisi and the Holy Spirit “Come, Holy Spirit, blow upon us”. Watch the full video here.