Despite the terrible Covid-19 crisis that is affecting India nowadays, the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India-Commission for Ecology and Caritas India organized a reflection activity during Laudato Si’ Week

Monsignor Allwyn D’Silva, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay, was in charge of the encounter, called “Roots to Fruits”, because, as he explained, “in order for fructify the change, we need to go to the roots of the problem, understand how we are at fault”.

Let’s get into the reflection with Bishop D’Silva’s testimony:

Monsignor Allwyn D’Silva, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay

What made you all want to put together this powerful reflection?

This reflection is meant to set the tone and get people to pray for and participate in the various worldwide programmes of Laudato Si’ Week 2021.  LSW2021’s theme is “for we know that things can change”.  In order for fructify the change, we need to go to the roots of the problem, understand how we are at fault, viscerally encounter the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Once we do this, we prime ourselves to not just know, but bring about the change – a harmonious world in which we and those who come after us would want to live in.  ‘Roots to Fruits’ is meant to inaugurate LSW2021 and motivate us to be the change that Laudato Si’ seeks to bring about.

How important is it to unite Catholics and people of faith in India now, amidst the devastating COVID-19 pandemic?

The importance of unity can never be stressed enough.  It is only when we collectively work together that we can bring about change.  We are all suffering because of COVID-19; faith in no way determines how many of us succumb or how many of us survive.  We have to be united in combating the pandemic and the other crises upon us.  At present, the climate emergency has taken a backseat due to COVID-19.  But precisely now, more than ever, is the time to unite and recommit ourselves to restore our common home.

Watch the full reflection here:


Ideally, what should people learn from the reflection and how should they put it into action/reflect on it?

Laudato Si’ has planted the seed for a better world.  But unless this seed of Laudato Si’ falls to the ground and takes root in our hearts, it will not bear fruit.  Through the reflection, we hope that people let the message of Laudato Si’ get deeply rooted in themselves so that we all wisely use its fruits and the fruits of the earth.  Partaking in LSW2021 would be part of the watering our roots need.  Ideally, the reflection primes us to become fertile soil and hopeful people who enable change, instead of despairing at the magnitude of the health, socio-economic and ecological crises.