Laudato Si’ Week in Chile

Universidad Católica de Chile is inviting its more than 29,000 students to reconnect with Laudato Si’ as Catholics around the world honor the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and ecology during Laudato Si’ Week.

Jose Plaza, the coordinator of the pastoral sustainability council at the university, said that although the invitation to engage with Laudato Si’ has been well received in prior years, there is still much to be done to bring the encyclical to life.

“The message of Laudato Si’ is universal and transcends the barriers of religion and faith, so it is an opportunity to unify forces to work towards this socio-environmental crisis,” Plaza said.

The university has a week’s worth of activities planned, including a conversation about “Querida Amazonia” on Wednesday and a sung prayer on Saturday. The university is also encouraging all of its students and faculty to pray at noon local time on Sunday 24 May, the final day of Laudato Si’ Week.

The weeklong commemoration “is an opportunity to review the direction being taken with respect to the socio-environmental crisis as a whole and the public commitment it has,” Plaza said.

Universidad Católica de Chile is a Laudato Si’ Week partner. More information is available at