Living Laudato Si’ Philippines

Living Laudato Si’ Philippines hopes to inspire people to commit to action this Laudato Si’ Week with its “Laudato Si’ Manifesto.”

The 22-page guide on “how we should care for our planet and people” features prayers and excerpts from Laudato Si’ while walking readers through the tenets of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and ecology.

Rodne Galicha, executive director of Living Laudato Si’ Philippines, said the encyclical’s fifth anniversary comes at a critical time as countries and cities around the world need to act now against the climate crisis.

“The upcoming Laudato Si’ anniversary is a timely reminder of the need for a transformation of the individual and the society. (It’s) an occasion to reflect on the state of our world, redefine our relationships with others, and redesign our future through our actions in the present,” Galicha said.

The group also created a handbook titled, “Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si’ Towards Eco-Solidarity.” The guide shares how Laudato Si’ relates to the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals.

“The beauty of these resources is that their respective messages can be reflected upon individually, with family or friends, or with colleagues,” Galicha said.

“What ultimately matters is that it inspires them to a genuine commitment to care for our planet and other life on Earth, through a different approach to development in creating a ‘new normal’ marked with eco-solidarity.”

Living Laudato Si’ Philippines is a Laudato Si’ Week partner. More information is available at