photo by lundyd

As major challenges for the global economy are predicted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a diverse group of faith institutions is putting the call for a just economic recovery into practice.

We invite you to learn more about how your institution or community can divest by visiting the Global Catholic Climate Movement’s divestment toolkit here.

More information on United Kingdom church divestment is available here.

Today, 42 faith institutions from 14 countries announce their divestment from fossil fuels. The group includes institutions from the global north and the global south, representing a variety of faith traditions, including Methodist, Anglican, and Catholic, among others.

As an interfaith family, we’re standing in solidarity together, urging governments to build back better. Our action puts pressure on governments around the world to enact policies that will lead to a comprehensive and resilient recovery.

Help keep fossil fuels underground: Learn more about divesting now

As Catholics, our participation especially resonates since we’re now honoring Laudato Si’ Week, a global commemoration of the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’. We’re coming together to build a more just and sustainable future.

For more on today’s announcement, visit here.

Faith communities have long taken the lead in the global divestment movement, and have contributed the single greatest number of commitments, with over 350 commitments in the global total of over 1,400.

Together, faith institutions are leading the way to a more just and sustainable economy.