Commission Members

To honor Laudato Si’ Week, the Socio-environmental Commission of the Diocese of São José dos Campos in Brazil will host a pair of online conferences in partnership with Global Catholic Climate Movement.

The diocese had planned to host in-person meetings from 16 to 24 May to mark the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology and climate change.

But the diocese and its commission are adapting to the world of online meetings because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The commission remains just as committed to tackling the most pressing issues of our time. In the first conference, they will try to answer the question, “How to face the socio-environmental, health and educational crises in light of Laudato Si’?”

“We’re really motivated to perform this meeting,” said Luciano Rodolfo de Moura Machado, deputy coordinator of the commission and a professor of environmental education. “It’s just a motivation to keep our people online and into this new era of online organization.”

The first conference will take place from 2-4 p.m. local time on 16 May and will feature four guest speakers, including Igor Bastos, Campaigns Coordinator for Portuguese Speaking Countries for Global Catholic Climate Movement.

At 10 a.m. on 23 May, the commission will host a second conference on building a better and sustainable economy. This conference will feature the Archbishop of Assisi, D. Domenico Sorrentino.

During Laudato Si’ Week, the parishes of the Diocese of São José dos Campos will be accepting the donation of blankets and geriatric diapers size M.

The blankets will be given to Casa de Assis, which helps to protect people who live on the street. The geriatric diapers will be delivered to a Santo Antônio nursing home.

To register for the online conferences, which will be in Portuguese, go to .