César Hidalgo
#YoMeQuedoEnCasa brings hope to all
César Hidalgo and the Spanish-speaking Catholic musicians participating in the #YoMeQuedoEnCasa campaign are bringing hope to all during this difficult time. Hidalgo and the musicians want people who watch the free concerts from home to know two things: 1) we are in God’s hands; and 2) to remember that “staying at home” is our way of fighting the coronavirus.

Every day through 17 April, Hidalgo and other Catholic musicians will be hosting concerts at www.yomequedoencasa.red. Hidalgo, who played on the first day of the campaign, spoke with Global Catholic Climate Movement about the festival, about why he is participating, and he shared some inspiring words that he has heard from fans.

What inspired you to participate in the festival?

Hidalgo: Mainly, to give an image of unity. With a tragedy like the one we are experiencing globally, I thought it was important to be part of an initiative in which we all feel united. Thus, all of us together, those who sing and those who listen to us, ask God to help us get through this pandemic in the best possible way.

We Catholic musicians want to share two important messages: Firstly, that we are in God’s hands, that we must not lose hope, that we must be in solidarity with those who need it most and value the efforts of all those who are working to solve this situation. Secondly, to constantly remember what the authorities tell us: “Stay at home.” It’s one of the main ways to fight the virus.

What kind of effects do you think the festival is having on the people who follow it in Spain? Have you received any comments? What kind?

Above all, accompaniment and communion. People appreciate the effort of a few of us who go into their homes every day and say: “Hello, we’re here to sing about God into your ear! You’re not alone!” We sing, we laugh, we reflect, we comment; in short, we pray with the songs and that communion works.

We must also take into account that many people live alone and this time of isolation at home is much harder for them. It is a way of being in contact by being aware of what really unites us: faith in the Lord.

For all of this, the comments are very varied, but above all they are in gratitude for the time we spend together, encouraging us to continue sharing the strength that God gives us and God’s love with our songs.

How inspiring is it to see how musicians come together to accompany people in these difficult times?

We Catholic musicians are always available to the Church for any need that may arise, and this is certainly the case. We generally go where we are called and give a service to the community and to anyone who wants to listen to us. It is wonderful to see the great disposition there is among musicians, always giving the best out of themselves.

It is pleasing to see how we have agreed without any problem to offer these concerts on a daily basis from so many places in Spain and other countries. Some of us knew each other already, others did not, and these concerts help not only to get to know each other, but to “recognize” each other as participants in something much greater: the love of God and the universality of the Church.

At this point I must thank Católicos en Red, and specifically Gabriel López Santamaría (GCCM Coordinator for Spain), for organizing and managing this initiative in an altruistic and professional way.